Thursday, February 18, 2016

To Edmond, Wherever You Are

Earlier this week I was cleaning out the garage because there is no task more enjoyable when it is -6. As I moved a few boxes, I noticed a pink and purple heart made of construction paper. It was on the ground, next to a frozen footprint. The construction heart read


The reverse side held a message inked in red marker.

I brought it in and added it to what my daughter calls The Hall of Hearts. Which is exactly what it sounds like.

When she got home, she immediately noticed the new heart, read one side, flipped it over, read the other side, then asked, "Who's Edmond?"

"I don't know."

"Well who's Christina?"

"I don't know that either."

I told her where I found it and we speculated on how it got there, and whether Edmond had ever received the heartfelt message or if he wandered the world unaware.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
You are sometimes annoying,
but that's what I love
about you!
Happy Valentine's Day.