Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rahhhce Cookin

My younger sister and I went to the same college in Rhode Island, which had a large number of students from New England.

It also had a large number of students who loved country music.  Mostly they were from Connecticut.

I don't understand this but it doesn't matter because it was there that I was exposed, sometimes held hostage to, listening to a lot of country music.  And I got a tiny bit hooked, not in the way that I went out and got Garth Brooks posters, but in the way that I'd find myself humming tunes or hearing a song and being, "I know this one!"   With a country accent.  While playing air fiddle. 

Years after graduating, I heard my little sister humming this and I was like, "Is that the song about rice cookin in the microwave?" 
And we both started singing it and then burst out laughing that we'd both been converted to this awesome music while at a college in Rhode Island.  What are the chances? 

I woke up this morning in slow mood (like, slow to like this day) and then started singing this and then put it on and danced with my daughter to it and then decided that it takes so little to love a day, sometimes it's just Rahhhhce cookin in the microwave.    


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