Thursday, January 16, 2014


I receive a lot of forwarded emails from my mom.  She will correct me to say, "A few."  And she will quantify exactly how many are in a few, how many are in several, and whether my grammar is correct.  It usually ain't.  (Hi, Mom.)
So fun so fun so fun. 

Some of these emails are political, some are religious, but the best ones are titled I THOUGHT SHE WOULD LIKE THIS and include a video of puppies interacting with lions in a seemingly natural way.  These are for me to show to my daughter.

Today's email was titled WE WERE ALL HOME SCHOOLED and at the bottom, was a quote unrelated to the actual email.  Sort of like getting a video of a lion and a puppy playing, and at the bottom it might say, "God Bless America."

Anyway, I liked the quote.  It went:

"Faith is not about everything  turning out ok.  It's about being ok, no matter how things turn out."

Shaz-am.  God Bless America.

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