Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bless my heart. And bless yours too.

A dear friend of mine relocated to Atlanta, from NYC.

And upon noting certain cultural shockahs, I learned  of ones which I like, such as "The lowest common denominator rules traffic, and if you are five lanes over from your exit and suddenly decide, 'That's my exit!', people will slow down and accommodate this.' " In short, terrible driving habits are not only permitted, but encouraged. 
Sign me up.    I'm tired of these non-human cameras tracking my every ill-timed left-on-red, as though it were a crime or something.  Seriously.  In Hotlata, I'd be encouraged.

Further, no one honks their horn unless someone is dying.  She has yet to hear a horn honk. 

Beyond this though, my favorite story is how people say, "You are an %$UW#L idiot." 

According to my dear friend, they say it like this, "Well bless her heart, she didn't know where the copy paper is kept!" 

At first listen, if you are from Not Atlanta, it sounds like you are just the sweetest newbie, learning the ropes.  Listen a little deeper though, and it's like, Dumbass.

Gives this tune a whole new meaning.  But even without it, #(#(@)%.  This woman can sing. 

Sometimes Sunday's song comes early.

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