Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday's Song: Suggestion Box

I first heard this song a few years ago, while I was driving, and the Universal DJ was playing music to connect to the world.  When I listened to his program, I had this odd feeling that he'd used some invisible instrument to open the top of my head, and had also plumbed the depths of my heart, and created an appropriate soundtrack. 
It was like, I'm elated, and all the songs are about elation!
It was like, I'm heartbroken, and every song is about my specific heartbreak!
It was like, I'm craving a bologna and peanut butter sandwich, and every single song is about that.

Once, when chatting with a librarian while checking out, we began talking of music and fell onto the topic of the Universal DJ.  And she said something to the effect that he was like a soul DJ.   And I was like Ah know!
How every song she heard was specifically applicable to her. 
And I was like, Ah know!
And I was like, That's a gift right there, what that man does, sending songs though the airwaves that are stamped with exactly everyone's name on it. 

Every now and then this song drifts back into mind.  When the Universal DJ spun it, he played the Red Molly cover.  But it was writ by Susan Werner, and she plays it here. 

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